Cyber Essentials Plus

What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

The UK government reported that around one-third of businesses had a cyber security breach in 2019 and for some of these businesses the cost of the breach was substantial. As a result, cyber security is becoming a crucial consideration for businesses of all sizes. Cyber Essentials Plus certification will give you and your partners confidence that your organisation is protected against a cyber security breach.

Cyber Essentials Plus has all the simplicity of approach of Cyber Essentials but offers the additional comfort of a hands-on technical audit of your system by an experienced cyber security assessor. We will examine the same FIVE basic security controls as the Cyber Essentials certification and test how effective they have been implemented through a robust technical audit.

Get Protected, Get Certified – Improve your company’s credentials by having the correct security controls in place.


  • Certification gives you peace of mind that your defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks
  • Stand out from competitors, retain and win more business
  • Increased credibility and reputation, customers feel more confident in sharing information with you
  • Raised awareness of threat with staff reduces risk levels
  • Improved business continuity management
  • Tender for contracts with the MOD, NHS, and central government work
  • Reduce your insurance premiums by reducing your resilience to cyber threats
  • Drive business efficiencies throughout your organisation which helps improve productivity


There are only 5 steps to achieve Cyber Essentials Plus certification.

  • Sign the contract and confirm the information

    Your full-time staff will contact you to sign a contract and determine the information that needs to be provided.

  • Submit information & declare certification

    Collect and submit the information required for certification, and apply for certification.

  • Audit

    The auditor will review whether your management system and process meet the requirements of the standard, and if not, notify you to make corrections.

  • Rectification, report information

    The auditor will re-audit to determine whether your management system and process meet the requirements of the standard.

  • Issue a certificate

    Your review complies with the approval of our compliance department, and your certification will be issued after the decision.

